Sugar Mtn Visitor Info Kiosk

Village of Sugar Mountain Visitor Kiosk

The Village of Sugar Mountain has an outdoor information kiosk for both visitors and locals. Located near the main entrance at 156 Sugar Mountain Drive, the kiosk features displays, bulletin boards and a variety of brochures. A poster version of the new illustrated map of the village will help orient first time visitors. Pick up the new Sugar Mountain brochure & map, attraction brochures, Avery County Chamber Guide, High Country Host Visitor Guide and official North Carolina Visitor Guide.

The information center is open every day and has plenty of lights for after dark visits! During the summer months, find a lending library to grab a book to read.

The Sugar Mountain Tourism Development Authority funded the renovation of the kiosk building and will be updating the brochures and boards. For more information, contact Mary Kate Litchfield at the Village Hall.

Find two nearby indoor visitor centers (within 3 miles) with additional information at: